Happy new year! I bring you the last of the Christmas gifts I’m going to be sharing on the blog, an Archer button-up shirt! I may yet show you a head to toe ensemble I made for my great aunt, but that’s pending me taking in the waist on the pants a few inches and dependent on her willingness to…
I went through all my upper body clothing last night, which meant trying on every shirt and dress I own. This all started because of a Christmas dress I’d planned to wear yesterday because my beginner bass class was playing in their first concert in the afternoon and I wanted to look festive. I laid the dress out the night…
The two dresses in today’s post were made nearly a year apart! The first one I made for Halloween 2017, and the second one I finished two days ago after wearing the original one to teach on Halloween this year and remembering how much I loved the pattern hack I did for the first one. The dresses are a mashup…
I’m excited to discuss and show you photos of the most recent quilt I finished! I love it SO MUCH. I finished it last December, and it’s been living on my bed ever since. I finally got around to taking proper photos of it yesterday, and spent all day being reminded of how much I love it. I mostly sew…
Both of the makes in this post are LONG overdue to be finished. One is for my mum, and one is for me! The first is a pair of Closet Case Patterns Carolyn pajamas. She’s really into these head-to-toe pajamas from a company called Bedhead, and when we were in NYC a few years ago she went to a store…