I return to blog-world to bring you…another Zadie jumpsuit. Yup, this is my fourth, and I’m still totally infatuated with the pattern. You can see my other versions here, here, and here. This one is in a lighter-weight linen that is similar in weight to my third version, but I like how classic it is in a solid. I got it from Patch specifically to make a Zadie, it just took a month longer than I anticipated! But here we are! I sewed a thing!

So, it’s been a while! I re-entered RealJob territory at the beginning of September and let me tell you, it’s been a Time. As things tend to go for most people lately, it’s not the way it used to be because we’re trying to y’know, prevent the spread of a deadly virus. So, worth it, but exhausting. I’m only just being able to reclaim a sense of having any time to myself. On the positive side, I’m in a new romantic relationship! While I’m not going to suddenly become someone who discloses a bunch of my personal life on my public blog (no shade to people who do, it’s just not my thang), I’ll say that I’m really happy and he’s really lovely, and we’ve been basically spending every free minute together. So sewing has been on the back burner a bit.
I’ve been trying not to guilt myself about it, because I had faith that my love for it would prevail and I would return to it. But at times I have to say that it did feel like all of my projects were going to stay partially finished, and my fabric would never fulfill its destiny of being sewn into clothes for me to wear, and that I was becoming someone who didn’t sew. Not that I was spiralling, or anything…

I’ve been trying to make peace with the fact that sometimes I just don’t have energy to sew. Or the mental space to sit down with a hobby. I think I got complacent because I had July and August off and had so much time to devote to literally whatever I wanted, and then September hit and I suddenly had no time to spare at all. I’ve been sporadically knitting, but haven’t had that much TV time lately where I’m not cuddling instead of knitting, so progress on my sweater has been similarly slow. And that’s ok! My partner Ben is making me happy and time with him recharges me, so I’m embracing that.

And sewing really is returning, which is why you see this Zadie jumpsuit! I sewed it on Sunday and Monday evenings, and it was a nice project to reset with. It’s a TNT pattern, I already have my fit adjustments locked in, there are no buttons or zippers or closures, and I had a fabric that was a dream to sew with in a colour that I love. I have a hunch that this will be a great garment for the holiday season, because the Zadie is Secret Pajamas plus looks classy. The best of both worlds! Has anyone else been experiencing a change in their sewing rhythms? What caused it? Have you emerged from the other side yet? Hit me up in the comments and make me feel better.
I have just made my first Zadie and will definitely be making more.
Yessss! It’s the best uniform that looks put together while also being mega comfy!