Levenwick Cardigan

I’m done knitting this cardigan! This has been, no joke, a cardigan two years in the making. I am not a prolific knitter at all, in fact I’d call myself pretty inexperienced. I only allow myself to have one “big” project on the go at once because otherwise I feel overwhelmed. I often have a pair of socks in the…
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Crafting on Big Tancook Island

This weekend, my mum (and her dog) and my sister and I went away for a crafting weekend. There’re two islands off the coast of Chester, NS where people have both permanent and summer residences called Big Tancook and Little Tancook. My best friend’s mum has a cottage-y house on Big Tancook, and that was where we were headed! Tancook…
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Scotia Festival of Music 2018

I haven’t posted much about music yet, but in RealLife I am a musician! And a music teacher. I find I’m still feeling 50/50 about myself in terms of the divide between performer and teacher, and I don’t want to lose the performer part! I found out that Philip Glass was going to be the composer-in-residence at the Scotia Festival…
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Me Made May 2018 Debrief!

Me Made May (henceforce known as MMM because I’m lazy) is over for this year! If you don’t know what MMM is, it’s a challenge started by Zoe at So, Zo, and you can read more about it here. It’s been going for nine years now, but last year was my first time participating. The basic idea behind the challenge…
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